Also, did you know, every time you open the refrigerator at home, up to 30% of the cold air escapes? So get in, get out and keep the chilled air inside the fridge where it belongs.
Be sure to check the seals around your refrigerator door. If they’re cracked or you feel cold air leaking out, the seals should be replaced. An easy way to check for leaks is to place a flashlight inside the fridge and close the door. If you can see light with the door closed, replace the seal.
Last thought for today, remember to clean the filter and coils annually: Most Americans rarely, if ever, get around to vacuuming out the filter and coils on the back of the fridge. A dusty coil can increase energy consumption by up to 20 percent. In addition to running more efficiently, cleaning behind the refrigerator will ultimately increase the longevity of the appliance motor.
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