According to the website Compare Electricity Rates, the average usage in Minnesota is 832 kWh and the average retail price
in our state is 9.18 cents per kWh.
Hawaii is listed as having the most expensive rates with 24.12
cents per kWh and in the lower 48 states, Connecticut's rates are the highest
at 19.11 cents. The lowest rates in the country are found in Idaho at 6.36
Our neighboring Wisconsin is among the lowest at 6.73 cents per
kWh. However, Wisconsin's average use is 1,138 kWh so their average electric
bill sits at $76.63 which is almost identical to Minnesota with $76.40.
Looking at the average amounts of kWh used by state, Tennessee
tops out with 1,344 and Maine is on the bottom of the list with 530 kwh. Hawaii
is also on the bottom end with an average of 655 kWh used but with the highest
rates, their average electric bill is $158.02.
For the complete listing of all the states and the three statistics
(average kWh used, average retail price and average electricity bill) click here. It is interesting to see how the states
stack up and how some states are actually higher or lower than you may think
they are when it comes to electricity rates and usage.
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