Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Today's Energy Insight

Kilowatt Quiz

A kilowatt-hour is the energy needed to light a 100-watt light bulb for 10 hours. How many kilowatt-hours do you think most U.S. homes use every month?

     A) 93  B) 938  C) 9,380  or  D) 93,800?

      Scroll down for the answer...

If you guessed B you are correct.
The average home in our country uses 938 kilowatts per month.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Today's Energy Insight

Every ton of paper recycled saves enough energy to...

A)  Run a 60 watt light bulb for 24 hours
B)  Light up Target Field for 3 night games
C)  Power an electric car for one month
D)  Heat and air condition the average North American home for 6 months

Bonus Question:
Recycling just one ton of paper saves how many 35-foot trees?

Scroll down for the answers...

The correct answer is D and the bonus answer is 17!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Today's Energy Insight

Americans discard enough office paper every year to…

A)  Fill two Olympic-sized swimming pools
B)  Completely cover the Mall of America and the new Vikings stadium
C)  Make a pile of paper the size of the Empire State Building
D)  Build a 12 foot high wall of paper from New York to California

(Americans get rid of 4 million tons of office paper a year, that’s enough to build a 12 foot wall of paper from New York to California!)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Today's Energy Insight

Which single technology in the list below can provide our society with a seamless transition to cheap, safe and carbon-free energy?

A)  Electric Cars

B)  Solar Power

C)  Hydrogen Fuel Cells

E)  Natural Gas

F)  Wind Turbines

This is a bit of a trick question, the answer is none of the above. There is no single "silver bullet" technology that will give us a simple transition to carbon-free energy for home heating, transportation, manufacturing and other large uses of energy. Every source of energy has its drawbacks and benefits, and a transition to new forms of energy will involve many different technologies, along with improvements in efficiency and changes in infrastructure.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Today's Energy Insight

A student at SEA recently asked the following question…
“What is the leading cause of preventable energy waste?”
Good question!

According to a study by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, home electronics such as TVs, DVD players, cable boxes, computers, game consoles (even when idle) and phone or electronic gadget chargers (especially when still plugged in and detached from the device) account for 5 % of the total of domestic energy consumption. If this equipment were plugged into power strips that were turned off when not in use, we could reduce our annual energy costs by more than $3 billion & carbon emissions by 18 million tons.

Wow, that is A LOT of preventable energy waste!