Energy Myth Busting 101
MYTH: Keep the lights on because it takes more energy to
fire them up after being off than it does to let them remain illuminated.
FACT: It takes less energy to fire up a light bulb than it
does for it to keep running. While this used to be true, the message is now
outdated. Old fluorescent bulbs took a few minutes to be fully lit, and used
significantly more energy than today’s bulbs. In fact, according to the US
Department of Energy, the energy “surge” when a light is turned on is equal to
leaving that light lit for just 5 seconds. So turn off the lights anytime you leave a room – no matter
what type of lighting is in there! Even if you are going to be out of the room
for 5 minutes, turning the lights off saves energy in a big way. Even in large
rooms such as gyms and auditoriums, it pays to turn lights off when you walk
out of the room!