This blog is brought to you by the Energy Efficiency Coordinator for Robbinsdale Area Schools. Please check back often for new posts including news, information, fun facts and energy saving tips.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Today's Energy Insight

Monday, December 21, 2015
Wishing you GREEN Holidays!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Winter Break is Nigh
Despite our mild December weather making it feel more like fall outside, winter break is just around the corner. Extended time off in our buildings is a great opportunity for saving energy. Before you head out the door for the last time this year to return in January 2016, please take a moment to make sure you have shut down, turned off or unplugged any plug loads in your area, office or classroom. This includes but is not limited to:
Computer monitors and
Smart-boards and
overhead projectors
Clock radios and boom
Copiers and printers
TVs, DVD players and
Audio and video
recording equipment
Appliances in FACS
rooms and staff lounges
Electronic equipment
in Science labs and Art rooms
Electronic equipment
in Industrial Tech and Auto Shops
Camera battery
Microphone and two-way
radio chargers
for doing your part to keep us operating as efficiently as possible during a
time when the buildings are getting a break from the staff and students while
you are taking some much deserved time off.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Preparing for and cleaning up after holiday meals and
parties can use much more water than ordinary, everyday use. Running your tap
continuously while preparing food or washing dishes wastes water and can use
more than two gallons of water every minute your tap is running. That's a lot
when you're cooking a big meal for extended family members and friends! Find
ways to reduce your water and energy use, for example:

Thanks to the Environmental Protection Agency for the above information.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
The top 5 Ways to Save Energy with Holiday Lighting...
1. Switch to LED Light Strands and LED Decorations
LED lights use 90% less electricity than regular holiday lights, and can be purchased for around $10 a strand. Stock up during post-holiday clearance sales!
2. Use Fiber Optic Decorations
Fiber optic trees and decorations are the ultimate in energy efficiency. In most cases, they use a single light bulb located in the base of the unit to light the entire decoration.
3. Limit the Time Lights are On
Wait until dark to turn on your lights; then, turn them off before you go to bed. Six hours or less of daily use is a good goal to aim for. Do you have trouble remembering to turn your lights on and off? Then, set a timer, and forget about it.
4. Turn Off Room Lights When the Tree is Lit
The lights on your tree should provide more than enough lighting to navigate around the room.
5. Decorate with Candles
Holiday lights are nice, but so are candles. Set up luminaries along your walkway and lit candles throughout your home to achieve a beautiful holiday glow, without adding to the electric bill. Just remember safety first when it comes to candle light!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Thousands of Opportunities to Save Energy!
over 12,000 students and more than 2,200 employees in our district,
one flip of a switch does make a difference. If just once per day, 1/4 of
the district staff remembers to turn off lights in an unoccupied area,
that's 550 times a day energy is being conserved. If 1/10 of the
students remember just once a day to turn off a computer monitor, that's 220 times a day monitors are being powered down. Now multiply those numbers by 5
and in one week alone, there are literally thousands of
opportunities to save energy if just a fraction of the students and staff turn
off a light or shut off a monitor. All our small efforts do add up to make a big difference!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wishing everyone in the
Robbinsdale Area School District
a fun, safe and efficient
Thanksgiving break!
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Before you leave your classroom or your house for the long weekend, be sure to turn off computer monitors and printers. These electronics continue to draw energy even when the computer is shut down. Take a look around and SEE where you can conserve energy while away from school or home.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
It's beginning to feel a bit like winter out there so here are some great fall and winter energy saving tips from the US Department of Energy. Click here to read the post on energy.gov and hold on to your hat!
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Today's Energy Insight

Make it a GREEN Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is next week already and about.com has a great article with 10 tips for a Green Thanksgiving. This list really captures the spirit of the first Thanksgiving. Click here to go to the posting.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Have you heard of No Shave November?
Well, how about NO WASTE November?
At the end of the day, don’t wait for the auto shut
down which can be hours later, power off your computer when you leave. And while you’re at it, power down
your monitor and speakers too. Lastly, don't forget your lights or any other lights
in unoccupied areas. THANKS!
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Today's Energy Insight

Thursday, November 5, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Look Up!
The attic is one of the places where you will often find the
biggest air leaks which in turn can increase your energy bills and make it uncomfortably
hot in the summer and extremely cold in the winter.
It is also an area that is usually accessible making it
easier to seal and insulate.
So to improve the comfort level of your home during the
heating and cooling months and to be much more energy efficient, look up!
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Did you know an
extra 100 pounds of weight in your car will reduce your fuel economy by as much
as 2%? Be sure to remove roof racks and car top carriers when not in use
and keep your trunk empty for a fuel efficient ride.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Minnesota is among the most energy efficient states in the
nation. According to a new Wallet Hub study, Minnesota ranks third out of the lower 48 states. The Washington
D.C.-based financial analysis website, Wallet Hub, compared data from all but two of the states. Alaska and Hawaii were
excluded from the study based on data limitations.
The top 10 most energy efficient states are:
New York
Rhode Island
The least energy-efficient states according to the Wallet Hub study are South Carolina, Louisiana
and Texas.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Make it a green Halloween!
Please remember to re-use and/or recycle your costumes and decorations. And don't forget to compost those Jack'o lanterns. Thank you for doing your part this year to make it a GREEN Halloween!
Monday, October 19, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
![]() |
Computer ON / Monitor ON |
When you shut down your computer at the end of the day you will see the monitor light go from green to amber. Please be sure to press the power button on the monitor to completely power down the screen so it does not continue to draw energy over night.
![]() |
Computer OFF / Monitor ON |
No glowing light = no energy consumed.
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Computer OFF / Monitor OFF |
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Human Powered Generator

Contact me via email at sheri_brunner@rdale.org or at extension 8104 to schedule the Human Powered Generator activity for your classroom.
Today's Energy Insight

MYTH: Use a screen saver when you are away from your monitor.
FACT: You should shut off your computer
monitor anytime you are away from your work station. Screen savers were never
meant as energy savers – they were meant to protect your screen from having the
image displayed “burned” onto it. Today’s computers no longer experience this
problem, and so screen savers have all but become useless.
monitors on desktop units are separate from the computer processes unit (CPU).
This means you can turn the monitor on and off independently from the
“thinking” part of your machine. Monitors are essentially light switches –
turning on the brightness of the screen so you can see what you are working on.
This means they can be turned on and off like light switches! Computer monitors
consumer over ½ of the total energy used by a desktop – anytime you are away
from your screen, shut the monitor off to save energy.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Today's Energy Insight

October is just around the corner so check out these great green Halloween tips from the World Wildlife Fund.
Click here to see the list at their website.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
We are enjoying some warm weather as we head into October but chilly fall winds are just around the corner. Did you know a one-eighth inch gap around an exterior door is equivalent to a six inch square hole in the side of your house and causes a lot of energy loss? When put in those terms I realized I would not leave a gaping hole in the side of my house all winter so I'd better check for air leaks. Now is the perfect time to check for leaks, before the cold weather settles in for awhile.
Have someone stand on the other side of the door and shine a flashlight around the door's perimeter. If you can see light through the cracks, your door needs sealing.
Hold a piece of paper between the door and the frame and shut the door. If you can pull the paper out without tearing it, you should weather strip around the door.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Energy Myth Busting 101
FACT: It takes less energy to fire up a light bulb than it
does for it to keep running. While this used to be true, the message is now
outdated. Old fluorescent bulbs took a few minutes to be fully lit, and used
significantly more energy than today’s bulbs. In fact, according to the US
Department of Energy, the energy “surge” when a light is turned on is equal to
leaving that light lit for just 5 seconds. So turn off the lights anytime you leave a room – no matter
what type of lighting is in there! Even if you are going to be out of the room
for 5 minutes, turning the lights off saves energy in a big way. Even in large
rooms such as gyms and auditoriums, it pays to turn lights off when you walk
out of the room!
MYTH: Keep the lights on because it takes more energy to
fire them up after being off than it does to let them remain illuminated.

Thursday, September 10, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Fall into Energy Savings...
Click here for a recent article from the U.S. Department of Energy full of fall and winter energy saving tips and ideas.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
We're on a roll! An energy saving roll, that is. Let's keep the momentum going into this fall and beyond. Every effort, no matter how small (even just the flip of a switch) does make a difference. In a district our size, these efforts really do add up. Thanks for doing your part by being energy smart.
And please remember to always be a model of energy efficiency for our students and staff throughout the district.
And please remember to always be a model of energy efficiency for our students and staff throughout the district.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Today's insight could also be considered food for thought...
Eighteen percent of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with raising, processing, packaging and shipping meat products for consumption. If every person in the United States substituted a vegetarian dish for a meat dish just once per week, the carbon dioxide reduction would be equivalent to taking more than 500,000 cars off the road.

As we begin another school year, please continue to be a model of energy efficiency for our students!
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Green Cars
If you "google" green cars you come up
with quite a variety of options, here are just a few fun images. But how about
"green" meaning environmentally friendly automobiles? Below is the top 10 list for 2015 from Kelley Blue Book. According to KBB, these models have the best combination of efficiency, value and overall appeal.
- 2015 BMW i3
- 2015 Volkswagen e-Golf
- 2015 Nissan Leaf
- 2015 Toyota Prius
- 2015 Honda Accord Hybrid
- 2015 Tesla Model S
- 2015 Chevrolet Volt
- 2015 Toyota Camry Hybrid
- 2015 Ford C-Max Hybrid
- 2015 Volkswagen Jetta TDI
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
Second only to the refrigerator (consuming the
most energy of household appliances) which of these then uses the most
A) Hair dryer
B) Clothes Dryer
C) Television
D) Computer
Scroll down to check your answer...
The correct answer is B.
If you can, try air dry your laundry outdoors on a clothesline or
use a drying rack indoors. Not only do you save energy and money but you also
reduce your impact on the environment as well. Another option is to only
partially dry your clothes in the dryer and then hang them to dry completely or
hang them first and finish drying them in the dryer. These two options help
with the crunchiness factor when air drying. Air drying helps garments last
longer too. Take advantage of the warm summer air while you can!
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Today's Energy Insight
What Are You, a Penguin?
Have you ever heard this question as you stand in front of
an open refrigerator? The quicker you are in and out of a refrigerator or
freezer, the better it is for keeping the temperatures inside from rising. When
warm air gets into the cold or frozen compartment, it causes the refrigerator
to work harder to maintain optimal temperatures.
So if you have a penguin at home, gently remind
them to make up their mind before they open the refrigerator or freezer and
then once they do open it, ask them to not dawdle with the door open. The
same can be said for leaving a door ajar while you bring in groceries or run
out to the mailbox. Keep the hot air out and don't let the cool air escape by
keeping doors closed between trips into the house or while you run outside for
"just a sec."
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