The temperatures are beginning to drop and winter weather will soon be here. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates
that sealing air loss and insulating the home can help homeowners save up to 20
percent on their heating costs. That, combined with its relatively
low cost, makes insulation one of the most cost-effective values in increasing
the energy efficiency of the home. Homes experience energy loss through
inadequate insulation and gaps or cracks in the building envelope. Homes built
as recently as 10 years ago were insulated to specs that are now considered
inadequate. Up to 40 percent of a home’s energy loss escapes through the attic. Here are a few items to keep in mind as you prepare for the winter months ahead:
- Replace air filters in furnace - every month during the winter.
- Close fireplace flue when not in use (many flues are left open in homes for years without anyone noticing).
- Turn on the humidifier on your furnace and replace the humidifier pad.
- Repair weather stripping on outside doors.
- Make sure you have adequate attic insulation.
- Caulk and seal around all doors and windows.